ServiceNow Certified System Administration Practice 2024 - Free ServiceNow Certified System Administration Practice Questions and Study Guide.

Prepare for the ServiceNow Certified System Administration Exam with our comprehensive study materials. Engage with interactive quizzes and detailed explanations to enhance your learning experience and ensure you are well-prepared for test day.

ServiceNow Certified System Administration Practice

The ServiceNow Certified System Administration Exam is essential for IT professionals looking to gain recognition in the ServiceNow ecosystem. This exam evaluates your understanding of platform navigation, configuration, and administration capabilities, making it a significant step towards enhancing your career in IT service management.

This article serves as your complete guide to the exam, including its format, what to expect, and tips for passing. Whether you’re preparing for the exam or just exploring the certification pathway, you’ll find valuable insights here.

Exam Format

The ServiceNow Certified System Administration Exam consists of 60 multiple-choice questions with four possible answers for each question. You’ll have a total of 120 minutes to complete the exam, providing sufficient time to think through your answers carefully.

Key Features of the Exam Format:

  • Number of Questions: 60
  • Total Time: 120 minutes
  • Passing Score: To achieve a passing score for the exam, you must correctly answer at least 70% of the questions.

The questions will cover a range of topics relevant to ServiceNow, including but not limited to:

  • User Interface and Navigation
  • Database Structure and Application Data
  • Core ServiceNow Applications
  • Reporting and Performance Analytics
  • Discovery and Integration capabilities

Understanding the exam format is crucial for effective preparation. Familiarize yourself with the types of questions that might appear and practice accordingly.

What to Expect on the Exam

On exam day, expect to encounter a variety of question styles. Some may be straightforward, asking for definitions or direct calculations, while others may present scenarios requiring you to apply your knowledge to problem-solving situations.

Example Topics You May Encounter:

  1. ServiceNow Basics: Understanding how the ServiceNow platform operates, its key features, and its applications.
  2. User Administration: Managing user roles, groups, and permissions within the ServiceNow environment.
  3. System Configuration: Insights into application configuration, including tables, fields, and forms.
  4. Incident Management: Knowledge of the incident management process, workflows, and best practices.
  5. Change Management: Understanding the change management lifecycle within ServiceNow.

Preparation should involve not only theoretical knowledge but also practical experience navigating the ServiceNow platform.

Tips for Passing the Exam

  1. Utilize Practice Exams: Engage with practice questions and quizzes to familiarize yourself with the exam format and question types. This would help you identify areas where you need to focus your studying.

  2. Study Official Resources: Leverage the official ServiceNow learning paths and documentation available on their website. These resources provide comprehensive knowledge regarding the platform and exam expectations.

  3. Hands-On Experience: Try to gain as much hands-on experience with the platform as possible. If available, use a personal developer instance of ServiceNow to experiment with configurations and workflows.

  4. Join Study Groups: Collaborate with peers preparing for the same examination. Study groups foster discussion, knowledge sharing, and can clarify complex concepts.

  5. Manage Your Time: During the exam, practice time management. Keep an eye on the clock, ensuring you allocate time to each question and leave time for review.

With your exam preparations, be sure to stay focused and diligent. Regular study, practice, and application of knowledge will dramatically enhance your chances of passing the certification exam.


Becoming a ServiceNow Certified System Administrator can significantly boost your career in IT service management. This certification validates your skills and knowledge with the ServiceNow platform, enabling you to pursue advanced roles and responsibilities within the industry.

Embrace the journey to certification by preparing thoroughly, practicing diligently, and engaging with the resources at your disposal. You can embark on this rewarding path toward becoming an integral part of the ServiceNow community.

Get ready to pass your ServiceNow Certified System Administration Exam by following the tips outlined in this guide. Remember, preparation is key, so take the time to study effectively and practice rigorously!